5KM Running
Source:Binarytek | Author:binary03 | Published time: 2023-05-09 | 130 Views | Share:

In March, everything comes to life.

In order to enrich the spare-time life of employees, let colleagues form a good habit of running exercise body, work, work full of energy.  We held a fitness run on March 17th 2023 with everyone aiming for a mini-5KM.

Each colleague is eager to sign up to participate, and according to their physical state can choose pure running, running + walking and other ways. This activity is divided into two groups: Supply Chain Group (Guanghui Science and Technology Area) , R & D Group (Xiangzhao Building) . In the end, the R&D team completed a small target of 5KM. Among them, Mr Zhang completed 5KM at a speed of 5.57 minutes, which was the fastest, and Mr Zhou completed 8KM as the best endurance.

Through this activity, not only personal physical fitness, but also for the development of the enterprise to provide a team vitality, endurance and cohesion.